Getting Started with AWS AMI

You can use the MapD AWS AMI (Amazon Web Services Amazon Machine Image) to try MapD Core Database and MapD Immerse in the cloud. Perform visual analytics with the included New York Taxi database, or import and explore your own data.

Many options are available when deploying an AWS AMI. These instructions skip to the specific tasks you must perform to deploy a sample environment.

The steps below are also described in this quick video overview.


You need a security key pair when you launch your MapD instance. If you do not have one, you can create one before you continue.

  1. Go to the EC2 Dashboard.
  2. Select Key Pairs under Network & Security.
  3. Click Create Key Pair.
  4. Enter a name for your key pair. For example, MyKey.
  5. Click Create. The key pair PEM file downloads to your local machine. For example, you would find MyKey.pem in your Downloads directory.

Launching Your Instance

  1. Go to the AWS Marketplace page for the Community Edition or Enterprise Edition.
  2. Choose a region from the For Region pop-up.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Choose an EC2 Instance Type. Note that prices vary greatly depending on the hardware configuration you choose.
  5. Scroll down the page and select a Key Pair.
  6. Scroll to the top and click Launch with 1-click. A success page tells you that your instance is loading. You can track initialization progress on your EC2 Management Console page.

Using MapD Immerse on Your AWS Instance

To connect to MapD Immerse, you need your Public DNS and Instance ID. You can find these values on the Instances page of your EC2 Dashboard.

To connect to MapD Immerse:

  1. Point your Internet browser to the public DNS on port 8443. For example, for public DNS, you would use the URL
  2. If you receive an error message stating that the connection is not private, follow the prompts onscreen to click through to the unsecured website. To secure your site, see Tips for Securing Your EC2 Instance.
  3. Enter the USERNAME (mapd) and PASSWORD ( {Instance ID} ).
  4. Click Connect.
  5. On the Dashboards page, click NYC Taxis Dec 2015. Explore and filter the chart information on the NYC Taxis Dashboard.

For more information on MapD Immerse features, see Introduction to MapD Immerse.

Importing Your Own Data

Working with your own familiar dataset makes it easier to see the advantages of MapD processing speed and data visualization.

To import your own data to MapD Immerse:

  1. Export your data from your current datastore as a comma-separated value (CSV) or tab-separated value (TSV) file.
  2. Point your favorite Internet browser to the public DNS on port 8443. For example, if your public DNS is, use the URL
  3. Enter the USERNAME (mapd) and PASSWORD ( {instance ID} ).
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Click Data Manager, and then click Import Data.
  6. Drag and drop your data file onto the table importer page, or use the directory selector.
  7. Click Import Files.
  8. Verify the column names and datatypes. Edit them if needed.
  9. Enter a Name for your table.
  10. Click Save Table.
  11. Click Connect to Table.
  12. On the New Dashboard page, click Add Chart.
  13. Choose a chart type.
  14. Add dimensions and measures as required.
  15. Click Apply.
  16. Enter a Name for your dashboard.
  17. Click Save.

For more information, see Loading Data.

Accessing Your MapD Instance Using SSH

Follow these instructions to connect to your instance using SSH from MacOS or Linux. For information on connecting from Windows, see Connecting to Your Linux Instance from Windows Using PuTTY.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Locate your private key file (for example, MyKey.pem). The wizard automatically detects the key you used to launch the instance.

  3. Your key must not be publicly viewable for SSH to work. Use this command to change permissions, if needed:

    chmod 400 MyKey.pem
  4. Connect to your instance using its Public DNS. The default user name is centos. For example:

    ssh -i "MyKey.pem"
  5. Use the following command to run the mapdql SQL command line utility on MapD Core Database. The default user is mapd. Your instance ID is the password:

    /raidStorage/prod/mapd/bin/mapdql -u mapd -p {instance-id}

See mapdql.

Upgrading MapD on AWS AMI Using a Tarball

Follow these steps to upgrade your MapD instance on AWS AMI.

  1. Stop the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server
  2. Go to the installs directory.

    cd /raidStorage/installs
  3. Use curl to download the latest MapD version. Pipe the results to tar to expand the archive.

    curl "" | tar xzf -
  4. Create a variable for the “latest” directory.

    latest=$(ls -t1 |  head -n 1)
  5. Create a symbolic link for MapD.

    ln -sfn /raidStorage/installs/${latest} /raidStorage/prod/mapd
  6. Restart the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl start mapd_server
    sudo systemctl start mapd_web_server

Migrating AWS AMI to Use Yum

The latest version of the MapD AWS AMI uses Yum for software upgrades. If you have an existing AWS AMI, want to use Yum, and want to keep your existing data, you can migrate your AWS AMI to Yum using the following steps.

  1. ssh login to your MapD instance.

    > ssh -i .ssh/my-pem.pem centos@<my-instance>
  2. Go to the Yum repository directory.

    $ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
  3. Edit or create the mapd.repo file with the following content for Community Edition.

    name=mapd ce - cuda - aws

    Or with the following content for Enterprise Edition.

    name=mapd ee - cuda - aws
  4. Run the Yum install command.

    $ sudo yum -y install mapd.x86_64
  5. Remove the existing mapd symbolic link.

    $ rm /raidStorage/prod/mapd
  6. Create a new symbolic link.

    $ ln -sfn /opt/mapd /raidStorage/prod/mapd
  7. Restart the MapD servers.

    $ sudo systemctl restart mapd_server
    $ sudo systemctl restart mapd_web_server

Upgrading MapD on AWS AMI Using Yum

The latest version of the AWS AMI uses Yum for install and upgrade. To upgrade your system, you stop the MapD servers, run the Yum install command, and restart your MapD servers.

To Upgrade MapD Using Yum:

  1. Stop the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
  2. Run the yum upgrade command.

    sudo yum upgrade mapd
  3. When installation is complete, restart the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl start mapd_server
    sudo systemctl start mapd_web_server