Upgrading OmniSci

Important As with any software upgrade, it is important that you back up your data before you upgrade OmniSci. Each release introduces efficiencies that are not necessarily compatible with earlier releases of the platform. OmniSci is never expected to be backward compatible.

Back up the contents of your $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory, where all data and configuration information are stored.

How you upgrade OmniSci depends on how you installed it.

Upgrading OmniSci Using Docker

To upgrade OmniSci in place in Docker, back up your data directory, stop the current Docker container and run the OmniSci Docker install command.

  1. From your Docker container, back up the $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory. The default location is /omnisci-storage.
  2. In a terminal window, get the Docker container ID:
    docker container ls
    You see output similar to the following. The first entry is the container ID. In this example, it is 9e01e520c30c:
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
    9e01e520c30c        mapd/mapd-ee-cpu    “/bin/sh -c ‘/mapd...”   3 days ago          Up 3 days >6273-6274/tcp                 confident_neumann
    To see all containers, both running and stopped, use the following command:
    docker container ls -a
  3. Stop the OmniSci Docker container. For example:
    docker container stop 9e01e520c30c
    Optionally, remove the OmniSci Docker container. This removes unused Docker containers on your system and saves disk space. For example:
    docker container rm 9e01e520c30c
  4. Download the latest version of Docker.

    For Enterprise edition without GPUs:

    docker pull omnisci/omnisci-ee-cpu

    For Enterprise edition with GPUs:

    docker pull omnisci/omnisci-ee-cuda
  5. Run the Docker run command.

    For Enterprise edition without GPUs:

    docker run -d \
           --name omnisci \
           -v var/lib/omnisci-storage:/omnisci-storage \
        -p 6273-6274:6273-6274 \

    For Enterprise edition with GPUs:

    nvidia-docker run -d \
           --name omnisci \
           -v /var/lib/omnisci-storage:/omnisci-storage \
        -p 6273-6274:6273-6274 \

This runs both OmniSci server and Immerse web server in that container.

You can optionally add --rm to the Docker run command so that the container is removed when it is stopped.

Upgrading OmniSci Using Yum

To upgrade an existing system installed with Yum to the latest version, you run the Yum update command. The command upgrades OmniSci in place without disturbing your configuration or stored data.

To Upgrade from MapD to OmniSci Using Yum:

  1. Back up your $MAPD_STORAGE directory (default location is /var/lib/mapd).
  2. Stop the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
  3. Remove MapD.
    yum remove mapd
  4. Run the Yum install command.
    yum install omnisci
  5. You have two configuration options:
    • Run the install_omnisci_systemd.sh script to set up a new configuration.
    • or

    • Continue using the old system services, with old ports, data storage paths, configuration files, etc.

      If you opt to preserve the old services, ports, etc, then you must create a symlink after installing OmniSci, but before you start the services.

      ln -sf /opt/omnisci /opt/mapd

      In this case you can continue using the old service names – mapd_server, mapd_web_server, etc.

  6. When installation is complete, start the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server

To Upgrade OmniSci Using Yum:

  1. Back up your $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory (default location is /var/lib/omnisci).
  2. Stop the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
  3. Run the Yum update command.
    yum update omnisci
  4. When installation is complete, restart the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server

Upgrading OmniSci Using Apt

To upgrade an existing system installed with Apt to the latest version, you run the Apt update and upgrade commands. OmniSci is upgraded in place without disturbing your configuration or stored data.

To upgrade from MapD to OmniSci using Apt, remove MapD and install OmniSci.

  1. Back up your $MAPD_STORAGE directory (default location is /var/lib/mapd).
  2. Stop the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
  3. Remove MapD.
    apt remove mapd
  4. Run the Apt update command.
    apt update
  5. Run the Apt install command.
    apt install omnisci
  6. You have two configuration options:
    • Run the install_omnisci_systemd.sh script to set up a new configuration.
    • or

    • Continue using the old system services, with old ports, data storage paths, configuration files, etc.

      If you opt to preserve the old services, ports, etc, then you must create a symlink after installing OmniSci, but before you start the services.

      ln -sf /opt/omnisci /opt/mapd

      In this case you can continue using the old service names – mapd_server, mapd_web_server, etc.

  7. When installation is complete, restart the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server

To Upgrade OmniSci using Apt:

  1. Back up your $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory (default location is /var/lib/omnisci).
  2. Stop the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
  3. Run the Apt update command.
    apt update
  4. Run the Apt upgrade command.
    apt upgrade omnisci
  5. When installation is complete, restart the OmniSci servers.
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server

Upgrading OmniSci Using a Tarball

To upgrade OmniSci using a tarball, back up your data, stop the servers, expand the tar file to replace the OmniSci application, change the symbolic link, and then restart the servers.

These instructions assume the following:

  • You previously installed OmniSci using a tarball.
  • You used an /installs directory and a symbolic link.
  • Your $OMNISCI_PATH environment variable matches the location of the symbolic link. (The default location of the symlink is /opt, and its name is omnisci, which matches the $OMNISCI_PATH of /opt/omnisci).

OmniSci recommends that you create a separate directory in your installs directory for each version of OmniSci as you upgrade. For standard installations, the installs directory can be in the home directory. Create or modify a symbolic link to the current version, and update the definition with each upgrade. If you need to revert to an earlier release, you can do so by changing the symbolic link.

  1. Back up your $OMNISCI_STORAGE file (default location is /var/lib/mapd for MapD, /var/lib/omnisci for OmniSci).
  2. Stop the OmniSci web server and OmniSci server.
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
  3. Go to your ~/installs directory.
  4. Download the OmniSci TAR file to the installs directory.
  5. Expand the archive of the new version of OmniSci. For example:
    tar -xvf omnisci-ee-4.5.0-20181119-b7f85d00bd-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  6. List the contents of the installs directory and copy the name of the directory created when expanding the archive; for example, omnisci-ee-4.5.0-20181119-b7f85d00bd-Linux-x86_64.
  7. Go to the opt directory. Delete and re-create a symbolic link to the new version directory in the installs folder. For example:
    cd /opt
    rm mapd // if upgrading from MapD, else rm omnisci
    ln -s ~/installs/omnisci-ee-4.5.0-20181119-b7f85d00bd-Linux-x86_64 omnisci
  8. You have two configuration options:
    • Run the install_omnisci_systemd.sh script to set up a new configuration.
    • or

    • If upgrading from MapD, continue using the old system services, with old ports, data storage paths, configuration files, etc.
      Note Running OmniSQL will still work on port 9091 as in previous versions, but after upgrade you must specify the former port using --port 9091 on the command line.
  9. Restart the servers.
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server