Uninstalling OmniSci

How you remove OmniSci depends on how you installed it.

Uninstalling OmniSci from Docker

To uninstall OmniSci in place in Docker, stop and delete the current Docker container.

  1. In a terminal window, get the Docker container ID:
    docker container ls
    You see output similar to the following. The first entry is the container ID. In this example, it is 9e01e520c30c:
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
    9e01e520c30c        mapd/mapd-ee-cpu    “/bin/sh -c ‘/mapd...”   3 days ago          Up 3 days >6273-6274/tcp                 confident_neumann
    To see all containers, both running and stopped, use the following command:
    docker container ls -a
  2. Stop the OmniSci Docker container. For example:
    docker container stop 9e01e520c30c
    Remove the OmniSci Docker container. This removes unused Docker containers on your system and saves disk space. For example:
    docker container rm 9e01e520c30c

    Uninstalling OmniSci Using Yum

    To uninstall an existing system installed with Yum, you run the Yum remove command and delete your stored data.

    To Remove OmniSci Using Yum:

    1. Stop the OmniSci servers.
      sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
      sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
    2. If you have enabled OmniSci services to run automatically on system startup, disable the commands.
      sudo systemctl disable omnisci_web_server
      sudo systemctl disable omnisci_server
    3. Remove OmniSci.
      yum remove omnisci
    4. Delete the $MAPD_STORAGE directory.
      sudo rm  -r $MAPD_STORAGE

    Uninstalling OmniSci Using Apt

    To uninstall an OmniSci instance installed with Apt, you run the Apt remove command and delete your stored data.

    To Uninstall OmniSci using Apt:

    1. Stop the OmniSci servers.
      sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
      sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
    2. If you have enabled OmniSci services to run automatically on system startup, disable the commands.
      sudo systemctl disable omnisci_web_server
      sudo systemctl disable omnisci_server
    3. Remove OmniSci.
      apt remove omnisci
    4. Delete the OmniSci data store
      sudo rm -r $OMNISCI_STORAGE

    Uninstalling OmniSci Installed by Tarball

    To uninstall OmniSci installed by a tarball, stop the servers, then delete the $OMNISCI_PATH directory and $OMNISCI_STORAGE directories.

    1. Stop the OmniSci web server and OmniSci server.
      sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
      sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
    2. If you have enabled OmniSci services to run automatically on system startup, disable the commands.
      sudo systemctl disable omnisci_web_server
      sudo systemctl disable omnisci_server
    3. Delete the OmniSci data store
      sudo rm -r $OMNISCI_STORAGE
    4. Delete the OmniSci Path
      sudo rm -r $OMNISCI_PATH