DDL - Roles and Privileges

OmniSci supports data security using a set of database object access privileges granted to users or roles.

Users and Privileges

When you create a database, the omnisci superuser is created by default. The omnisci superuser is granted all privileges on all database objects. Superusers can create new users that, by default, have no database object privileges.

Superusers can grant users selective access privileges on multiple database objects using two mechanisms: role-based privileges and user-based privileges.

Role-based Privileges

  1. Grant roles access privileges on database objects.
  2. Grant roles to users.
  3. Grant roles to other roles.

User-based Privileges

When a user has privilege requirements that differ from role privileges, you can grant privileges directly to the user. These mechanisms provide data security for many users and classes of users to access the database.

You have the following options for granting privileges:

  • Each object privilege can be granted to one or many roles, or to one or many users.
  • A role and/or user can be granted privileges on one or many objects.
  • A role can be granted to one or many users or other roles.
  • A user can be granted one or many roles.

This supports the following many-to-many relationships:

  • Objects and roles
  • Objects and users
  • Roles and users

These relationships provide flexibility and convenience when granting/revoking privileges to and from users.

Granting object privileges to roles and users, and granting roles to users, has a cumulative effect. The result of several grant commands is a combination of all individual grant commands. This applies to all database object types and to privileges inherited by objects. For example, object privileges granted to the object of database type are propagated to all table-type objects of that database object.

Who Can Grant Object Privileges?

Only a superuser or an object owner can grant privileges for on object.

  • A superuser has all privileges on all database objects.
  • A non-superuser user has only those privileges on a database object that are granted by a superuser.
  • A non-superuser user has ALL privileges on a table created by that user.

Roles and Privileges Persistence

  • Roles can be created and dropped at any time.
  • Object privileges and roles can be granted or revoked at any time, and the action takes effect immediately.
  • Privilege state is persistent and restored if the OmniSci session is interrupted.

Database Object Privileges

There are four database object types:

  • Database
  • Table
  • View
  • Dashboard

Object Type Privilege
Database ACCESS - Connect to the database. The ACCESS privilege is a prerequisite for all other privileges at the database level. Without the ACCESS privilege, a user or role cannot perform tasks on any other database objects.
ALL - Allow all privileges on this database except issuing grants and dropping the database.
CREATE TABLE - Create a table in the current database. (Also CREATE.)
CREATE VIEW - Create a view for the current database.
CREATE DASHBOARD - Create a dashboard for the current database.
DROP - Drop a table from the database.
DROP VIEW - Drop a view for this database.
DELETE DASHBOARD - Delete a dasboard for this database.
SELECT, INSERT, TRUNCATE, UPDATE, DELETE - Allow these operations on any table in the database.
SELECT VIEW - Select a view for this database.
EDIT DASHBOARD - Edit a dashboard for this database.
VIEW DASHBOARD - View a dashboard for this database.
VIEW SQL EDITOR - Access the SQL Editor in Immerse for this database.
Table SELECT, INSERT, TRUNCATE, UPDATE, DELETE - Allow these SQL statements on this table.
DROP - Drop this table.
View SELECT - Select from this view. NOTE: Users do not need privileges on objects referenced by this view.
DROP - Drop this view.
Dashboard VIEW - View this dashboard.
EDIT - Edit this dashboard.
DELETE - Delete this dashboard.

Privileges granted on a database-type object are inherited by all tables of that database.

Privilege Commands

SQL Description
CREATE ROLE Create role.
DROP ROLE Drop role.
GRANT Grant role to user or to another role.
REVOKE Revoke role from user or from another role.
GRANT ON TABLE Grant role privilege(s) on a database table to a role or user.
REVOKE ON TABLE Revoke role privilege(s) on database table from a role or user.
GRANT ON VIEW Grant role privilege(s) on a database view to a role or user.
REVOKE ON VIEW Revoke role privilege(s) on database view from a role or user.
GRANT ON DATABASE Grant role privilege(s) on database to a role or user.
REVOKE ON DATABASE Revoke role privilege(s) on database from a role or user.
GRANT ON DASHBOARD Grant role privilege(s) on dashboard to a role or user.
REVOKE ON DASHBOARD Revoke role privilege(s) on dashboard from a role or user.


The following example shows a valid sequence for granting access privileges to non-superuser user1 by granting a role to user1 and by directly granting a privilege. This example presumes that table1 and user1 already exist, and that user1 has ACCESS privileges on the database where table1 exists.

  1. Create the r_select role.

    CREATE ROLE r_select;
  2. Grant the SELECT privilege on table1 to the r_select role. Any user granted the r_select role gains the SELECT privilege.

    GRANT SELECT ON TABLE table1 TO r_select;
  3. Grant the r_select role to user1, giving user1 the SELECT privilege on table1.

    GRANT r_select TO user1;
  4. Directly grant user1 the INSERT privilege on table1.

    GRANT INSERT ON TABLE table1 TO user1;

See Example Roles and Privileges Session for a more complete example.


Create a role. Roles are granted to users for role-based database object access.

This clause requires superuser privilege and <roleName> must not exist.


CREATE ROLE <roleName>;



Name of the role to create.


Create a payroll department role called payrollDept.

CREATE ROLE payrollDept;


Remove a role.

This clause requires superuser privilege and <roleName> must exist.


DROP ROLE <roleName>;



Name of the role to drop.


Remove the payrollDept role.

DROP ROLE payrollDept;


Grant role privileges to users and to other roles.

Note The ACCESS privilege is a prerequisite for all other privileges at the database level. Without the ACCESS privilege, a user or role cannot perform tasks on any other database objects.

This clause requires superuser privilege. The specified <roleNames> and <userNames> must exist.


GRANT <roleNames> TO <userNames>, <roleNames>;



Names of roles to grant to users and other roles. Use commas to separate multiple role names.


Names of users. Use commas to separate multiple user names.


Assign payrollDept role privileges to user dennis.

GRANT payrollDept TO dennis;

Grant payrollDept and accountsPayableDept role privileges to users dennis and mike and role hrDept.

GRANT payrollDept, accountsPayableDept TO dennis, mike, hrDept;


Remove role privilege from users or from other roles. This removes database object access privileges granted with the role.

This clause requires superuser privilege. The specified <roleNames> and <userNames> must exist.


REVOKE <roleNames> FROM <userNames>, <roleNames>;



Names of roles to remove from users and other roles. Use commas to separate multiple role names.


Names of the users. Use commas to separate multiple user names.


Remove payrollDept role privileges from user dennis.

REVOKE payrollDept FROM dennis;

Revoke payrollDept and accountsPayableDept role privileges from users dennis and fred and role hrDept.

REVOKE payrollDept, accountsPayableDept FROM dennis, fred, hrDept;


Define the privilege(s) a role or user has on the specified table. You can specify any combination of the INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE, DROP, or TRUNCATE privilege or specify all privileges.

Note The ACCESS privilege is a prerequisite for all other privileges at the database level. Without the ACCESS privilege, a user or role cannot perform tasks on any other database objects.

This clause requires superuser privilege, or <tableName> must have been created by the user invoking this command. The specified <tableName> and users or roles defined in <entityList> must exist.


GRANT <privilegeList> ON TABLE <tableName> TO <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ALL Grant all possible access privileges on <tableName> to <entityList>.
ALTER TABLE Grant ALTER TABLE privilege on <tableName> to <entityList>.
DELETE Grant DELETE privilege on <tableName> to <entityList>.
DROP Grant DROP privilege on <tableName> to <entityList>.
INSERT Grant INSERT privilege on <tableName> to <entityList>.
SELECT Grant SELECT privilege on <tableName> to <entityList>.
TRUNCATE Grant TRUNCATE privilege on <tableName> to <entityList>.
UPDATE Grant UPDATE privilege on <tableName> to <entityList>.


Name of the database table.


Name of entity or entities to be granted the privilege(s).

Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role.
user Name of user.


Permit all privileges on the employees table for the payrollDept role.

GRANT ALL ON TABLE employees TO payrollDept;

Permit SELECT-only privilege on the employees table for user chris.

GRANT SELECT ON TABLE employees TO chris;

Permit INSERT-only privilege on the employees table for the hrdept and accountsPayableDept roles.

GRANT INSERT ON TABLE employees TO hrDept, accountsPayableDept;

Permit INSERT, SELECT, and TRUNCATE privileges on the employees table for the role hrDept and for users dennis and mike.

GRANT INSERT, SELECT, TRUNCATE ON TABLE employees TO hrDept, dennis, mike;


Remove the privilege(s) a role or user has on the specified table. You can remove any combination of the INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE, or TRUNCATE privileges, or remove all privileges.

This clause requires superuser privilege or <tableName> must have been created by the user invoking this command. The specified <tableName> and users or roles in <entityList> must exist.


REVOKE <privilegeList> ON TABLE <tableName> FROM <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ALL Remove all access privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.
ALTER TABLE Remove ALTER TABLE privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.
DELETE Remove DELETE privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.
DROP Remove DROP privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.
INSERT Remove INSERT privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.
SELECT Remove SELECT privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.
TRUNCATE Remove TRUNCATE privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.
UPDATE Remove UPDATE privilege for <entityList> on <tableName>.


Name of the database table.


Name of entities to be denied the privilege(s).

Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role.
user Name of user.


Prohibit SELECT and INSERT operations on the employees table for the nonemployee role.

REVOKE ALL ON TABLE employees FROM nonemployee;

Prohibit SELECT operations on the directors table for the employee role.

REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE directors FROM employee;

Prohibit INSERT operations on the directors table for role employee and user laura.

REVOKE INSERT ON TABLE directors FROM employee, laura;

Prohibit INSERT, SELECT, and TRUNCATE privileges on the employees table for the role nonemployee and for users dennis and mike.

REVOKE INSERT, SELECT, TRUNCATE ON TABLE employees FROM nonemployee, dennis, mike;


Define the privileges a role or user has on the specified view. You can specify any combination of the SELECT, INSERT, or DROP privileges, or specify all privileges.

This clause requires superuser privileges, or <viewName> must have been created by the user invoking this command. The specified <viewName> and users or roles in <entityList> must exist.


GRANT <privilegeList> ON VIEW <viewName> TO <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ALL Grant all possible access privileges on <viewName> to <entityList>.
DROP Grant DROP privilege on <viewName> to <entityList>.
INSERT Grant INSERT privilege on <viewName> to <entityList>.
SELECT Grant SELECT privilege on <viewName> to <entityList>.


Name of the database view.


Name of entities to be granted the privileges.

Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role.
user Name of user.


Permit SELECT, INSERT, and DROP privileges on the employees view for the payrollDept role.

GRANT ALL ON VIEW employees TO payrollDept;

Permit SELECT-only privilege on the employees view for the employee role and user venkat.

GRANT SELECT ON VIEW employees TO employee, venkat;

Permit INSERT and DROP privileges on the employees view for the hrDept and acctPayableDept roles and users simon and dmitri.

GRANT INSERT, DROP ON VIEW employees TO hrDept, acctPayableDept, simon, dmitri;


Remove the privileges a role or user has on the specified view. You can remove any combination of the INSERT, DROP, or SELECT privileges, or remove all privileges.

This clause requires superuser privilege, or <viewName> must have been created by the user invoking this command. The specified <viewName> and users or roles in <entityList> must exist.


REVOKE <privilegeList> ON VIEW <viewName> FROM <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ALL Remove all access privilege for <entityList> on <viewName>.
DROP Remove DROP privilege for <entityList> on <viewName>.
INSERT Remove INSERT privilege for <entityList> on <viewName>.
SELECT Remove SELECT privilege for <entityList> on <viewName>.


Name of the database view.


Name of entity to be denied the privilege(s).

Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role.
user Name of user.


Prohibit SELECT, DROP, and INSERT operations on the employees view for the nonemployee role.

REVOKE ALL ON VIEW employees FROM nonemployee;

Prohibit SELECT operations on the directors view for the employee role.

REVOKE SELECT ON VIEW directors FROM employee;

Prohibit INSERT and DROP operations on the directors view for the employee and manager role and for users ashish and lindsey.

REVOKE INSERT, DROP ON VIEW directors FROM employee, manager, ashish, lindsey;


Define the valid privileges a role or user has on the specified database. You can specify any combination of privileges, or specify all privileges.

Note The ACCESS privilege is a prerequisite for all other privileges at the database level. Without the ACCESS privilege, a user or role cannot perform tasks on any other database objects.

This clause requires superuser privileges.


GRANT <privilegeList> ON DATABASE <dbName> TO <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ACCESS Grant ACCESS (connection) privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
ALL Grant all possible access privileges on <dbName> to <entityList>.
ALTER TABLE Grant ALTER TABLE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
CREATE TABLE Grant CREATE TABLE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>. Previously CREATE.
CREATE VIEW Grant CREATE VIEW privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
CREATE DASHBOARD Grant CREATE DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
CREATE Grant CREATE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
DELETE Grant DELETE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
DELETE DASHBOARD Grant DELETE DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
DROP Grant DROP privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
DROP VIEW Grant DROP VIEW privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
EDIT DASHBOARD Grant EDIT DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
INSERT Grant INSERT privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
SELECT Grant SELECT privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
SELECT VIEW Grant SELECT VIEW privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
TRUNCATE Grant TRUNCATE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
UPDATE Grant UPDATE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
VIEW DASHBOARD Grant VIEW DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
VIEW SQL EDITOR Grant VIEW SQL EDITOR privilege in Immerse on <dbName> to <entityList>.


Name of the database, which must exist, created by CREATE DATABASE.


Name of the entity to be granted the privilege.

Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role, which must exist.
user Name of user, which must exist. See Users and Databases.


Permit all operations on the companydb database for the payrollDept role and user david.

GRANT ALL ON DATABASE companydb TO payrollDept, david;

Permit SELECT-only operations on the companydb database for the employee role.


Permit INSERT, UPDATE, and DROP operations on the companydb database for the hrdept and manager role and for users irene and stephen.

GRANT ACCESS, INSERT, UPDATE, DROP ON DATABASE companydb TO hrdept, manager, irene, stephen;


Remove the operations a role or user can perform on the specified database. You can specify privileges individually or specify all privileges.

This clause requires superuser privilege or the user must own the database object. The specified <dbName> and roles or users in <entityList> must exist.


REVOKE <privilegeList> ON DATABASE <dbName> FROM <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ACCESS Remove ACCESS (connection) privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
ALL Remove all possible privileges on <dbName> to <entityList>.
ALTER TABLE Remove ALTER TABLE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
CREATE TABLE Remove CREATE TABLE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>. Previously CREATE.
CREATE VIEW Remove CREATE VIEW privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
CREATE DASHBOARD Remove CREATE DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
CREATE Remove CREATE privilege on <dbName> for <entityList>.
DELETE Remove DELETE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
DELETE DASHBOARD Remove DELETE DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
DROP Remove DROP privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
DROP VIEW Remove DROP VIEW privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
EDIT DASHBOARD Remove EDIT DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
INSERT Remove INSERT privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
SELECT Remove SELECT privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
SELECT VIEW Remove SELECT VIEW privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
TRUNCATE Remove TRUNCATE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
UPDATE Remove UPDATE privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
VIEW DASHBOARD Remove VIEW DASHBOARD privilege on <dbName> to <entityList>.
VIEW SQL EDITOR Remove VIEW SQL EDITOR privilege in Immerse on <dbName> to <entityList>.


Name of the database.


Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role.
user Name of user.


Prohibit all operations on the employees database for the nonemployee role.

REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE employees FROM nonemployee;

Prohibit SELECT operations on the directors database for the employee role and for user monica.


Prohibit INSERT, DROP, CREATE, and DELETE operations on the directors database for employee role and for users max and alex.



Define the valid privileges a role or user has for working with dashboards. You can specify any combination of privileges or specify all privileges.

This clause requires superuser privileges.


GRANT <privilegeList> [ON DASHBOARD <dashboardId>] TO <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ALL Grant all possible access privileges on <dashboardId> to <entityList>.
CREATE Grant CREATE privilege to <entityList>.
DELETE Grant DELETE privilege on <dashboardId> to <entityList>.
EDIT Grant EDIT privilege on <dashboardId> to <entityList>.
VIEW Grant VIEW privilege on <dashboardId> to <entityList>.


ID of the dashboard, which must exist, created by CREATE DASHBOARD. To show a list of all dashboards and IDs in omnisql, run the \dash command when logged in as superuser.


Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role, which must exist.
user Name of user, which must exist. See Users and Databases.


Permit all privileges on the dashboard ID 740 for the payrollDept role.


Permit VIEW-only privilege on dashboard 730 for the hrDept role and user dennis.

GRANT VIEW ON DASHBOARD 730 TO hrDept, dennis;

Permit EDIT and DELETE privileges on dashboard 740 for the hrDept and accountsPayableDept roles and for user pavan.

GRANT EDIT, DELETE ON DASHBOARD 740 TO hrdept, accountsPayableDept, pavan;

See Also


Remove privileges a role or user has for working with dashboards. You can specify any combination of privileges, or all privileges.

This clause requires superuser privileges.


REVOKE <privilegeList> [ON DASHBOARD <dashboardId>] FROM <entityList>;



Parameter Value Descriptions
ALL Revoke all possible access privileges on <dashboardId> for <entityList>.
CREATE Revoke CREATE privilege for <entityList>.
DELETE Revoke DELETE privilege on <dashboardId> for <entityList>.
EDIT Revoke EDIT privilege on <dashboardId> for <entityList>.
VIEW Revoke VIEW privilege on <dashboardId> for <entityList>.


ID of the dashboard, which must exist, created by CREATE DASHBOARD.


Parameter Value Descriptions
role Name of role, which must exist.
user Name of user, which must exist. See Users and Databases.

Revoke DELETE privileges on dashboard 740 for the payrollDept role.


Revoke all privileges on dashboard 730 for hrDept role and users dennis and mike.

REVOKE ALL ON DASHBOARD 730 FROM hrDept, dennis, mike;

Revoke EDIT and DELETE of dashboard 740 for the hrDept and accountsPayableDept roles and for users dante and jonathan.

REVOKE EDIT, DELETE ON DASHBOARD 740 FROM hrdept, accountsPayableDept, dante, jonathan;

The following privilege levels are typically recommended for non-superusers in Immerse. Privileges assigned for users in your organization may vary depending on access requirements.

Privilege Command Syntax to Grant Privilege
Access a database
GRANT ACCESS ON DATABASE <dbName> TO <entityList>;
Create a table
Select a table
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE <tableName> TO <entityList>;
View a dashboard
GRANT VIEW ON DASHBOARD <dashboardId> TO <entityList>;
Create a dashboard
Edit a dashboard
GRANT EDIT ON DASHBOARD <dashboardId> TO <entityList>;
Delete a dashboard

Example: Roles and Privileges

These examples assume that tables table1 through table4 are created as needed:

create table table1 (id smallint);
create table table2 (id smallint);
create table table3 (id smallint);
create table table4 (id smallint);

The following examples show how to work with users, roles, and tables; dashboards and dashboard privileges work in the same way.

Create User Accounts

create user marketingDeptEmployee1 (password = 'md1');
create user marketingDeptEmployee2 (password = 'md2');
create user marketingDeptManagerEmployee3 (password = 'md3');

create user salesDeptEmployee1 (password = 'sd1');
create user salesDeptEmployee2 (password = 'sd2');
create user salesDeptEmployee3 (password = 'sd3');
create user salesDeptEmployee4 (password = 'sd4');
create user salesDeptManagerEmployee5 (password = 'sd5');

Grant Access to Users on Database

grant access on database omnisci to marketingDeptEmployee1, marketingDeptEmployee2, marketingDeptManagerEmployee3;
grant access on database omnisci to salesDeptEmployee1, salesDeptEmployee2, salesDeptEmployee3, salesDeptEmployee4, salesDeptManagerEmployee5;

Create Marketing Department Roles

create role marketingDeptRole1;
create role marketingDeptRole2;

Grant Marketing Department Roles to Marketing Department Employees

grant marketingDeptRole1 to marketingDeptEmployee1, marketingDeptManagerEmployee3;
grant marketingDeptRole2 to marketingDeptEmployee2, marketingDeptManagerEmployee3;

Grant Privelege to Marketing Department Roles

grant select on table table1 to marketingDeptRole1;
grant select on table table2 to marketingDeptRole1;
grant select on table table2 to marketingDeptRole2;

Create Sales Department Roles

create role salesDeptRole1;
create role salesDeptRole2;
create role salesDeptRole3;

Grant Sales Department Roles to Sales Department Employees

grant salesDeptRole1 to salesDeptEmployee1;
grant salesDeptRole2 to salesDeptEmployee2, salesDeptEmployee3;
grant salesDeptRole3 to salesDeptEmployee4;

Grant Privilege to Sales Department Roles

grant select on table table1 to salesDeptRole1;
grant select on table table3 to salesDeptRole1, salesDeptRole2;
grant select on table table4 to salesDeptRole3;

Grant All Sales Roles to Sales Department Manager and Marketing Department Manager

grant salesDeptRole1, salesDeptRole2, salesDeptRole3 to salesDeptManagerEmployee5, marketingDeptManagerEmployee3;

Relationships Between Users, Roles, and Tables

The following table shows the roles and privileges for each user created in the previous example.

User Roles Granted Table Privileges
salesDeptEmployee1 salesDeptRole1 SELECT on Tables 1, 3
salesDeptEmployee2 salesDeptRole2 SELECT on Table 3
salesDeptEmployee3 salesDeptRole2 SELECT on Table 3
salesDeptEmployee4 salesDeptRole3 SELECT on Table 4
salesDeptManagerEmployee5 salesDeptRole1, salesDeptRole2, salesDeptRole3 SELECT on Tables 1, 3, 4
marketingDeptEmployee1 marketingDeptRole1 SELECT on Tables 1, 2
marketingDeptEmployee2 marketingDeptRole2 SELECT on Table 2
marketingDeptManagerEmployee3 marketingDeptRole1, marketingDeptRole2, salesDeptRole1, salesDeptRole2, salesDeptRole3 SELECT on Tables 1, 2, 3, 4

Commands to Report Roles and Privileges

Use the following commands to list current roles and assigned privileges. If you have superuser access, you can see privileges for all users. Otherwise, you can see only those roles and privileges for which you have access.

Note Results for users, roles, privileges, and object privileges are returned in creation order.
\u Lists all users.
omnisql> \u
\roles Reports all roles.
omnisql> \roles
\role_list userName Reports all roles granted to the given user. The userName specified must exist.
omnisql> \role_list salesDeptManagerEmployee5
\privileges roleName | userName Reports all database objects privileges granted to the given role or user. The roleName or userName specified must exist.
omnisql> \privileges salesDeptRole1
table1 (table): select
table3 (table): select 
omnisql> \privileges salesDeptManagerEmployee5
mapd (database): login-access
\object_privileges objectType | objectName Reports all privileges granted to the given object for all roles and users. If the specified objectName does not exist, no results are reported.
omnisql> \object_privileges database omnisci
marketingDeptEmployee1 privileges: login-access
marketingDeptEmployee2 privileges: login-access
marketingDeptManagerEmployee3 privileges: login-access
salesDeptEmployee1 privileges: login-access
salesDeptEmployee2 privileges: login-access
salesDeptEmployee3 privileges: login-access
salesDeptEmployee4 privileges: login-access
salesDeptManagerEmployee5 privileges: login-access

Example: Data Security

The following example demonstrates field-level security using two views:

  • view_users_limited, in which users only see three of seven fields: userid, First_Name, and Department.
  • view_users_full, users see all seven fields.

Source Data


Create Views

create view view_users_limited as select userid, First_Name, Department from users;
create view view_users_full as select userid, First_Name, Department, Address, City, State, Zip from users;

Create Users

create user readonly1 (password = 'rr1');
create user readonly2 (password = 'rr2');

Grant Access to Users on Database

grant access on database mapd to readonly1, readonly2;

Create Roles

create role limited_readonly;
create role full_readonly;

Grant Roles to Users

grant limited_readonly to readonly1;
grant full_readonly to readonly2;

Grant Privilege to View Roles

grant select on view view_users_limited to limited_readonly;
grant select on view view_users_full TO full_readonly;

Verify Views

User readonly1 sees no tables, only the specific view granted, and only the three specific columns returned in the view:

omnisql> \t
omnisql> \v
omnisql> select * from view_users_limited;
1|Todd|C Suite
3|Mike|Customer Success

User readonly2 sees no tables, only the specific view granted, and all seven columns returned in the view:

omnisql> \t
omnisql> \v
omnisql> select * from view_users_full;
1|Todd|C Suite|1 Front Street|San Francisco|CA|94111
2|Don|Sales|1 5th Avenue|New York|NY|10001
3|Mike|Customer Succes|100 Main Street|Reston|VA|20191